Creating Monsters
Joseph’s “coat of many colors” was given to him by his father, Jacob. Joseph’s brothers weren’t offered such an extravagant gift. On the surface, this seems harmless. Till you read the rest of the story.

A Long Miracle
We often think of feeding the five thousand as a moment in time, when in reality it probably took closer to 24 hours to feed everyone.

Lead, Don’t Leave
When you feel like you’re not growing, it may not be time to leave. It’s time to lead.

Character vs. Reputation
What’s happening outside doesn’t always come inside, but what’s happening inside always goes outside.

Love is in the Details
The 1% that no one knows about is the exact thing that will set you apart from 99% of other people, leaders, or companies.

Flattery or Appreciation?
Dale Carnegie reminds us that flattery is like counterfeit money. It may work at first but eventually it will get you in trouble.

The Power of Same
The power of same is being okay with consistent, boring, mundane, routine things.